Quotes That Inspire Me


I was browsing Simply Victoriously (which is a great blog that you should all follow!) and I came across her post like this. I have decided to do my take on it and I hope that you’ll all enjoy it. These are all different quotes that inspire me. Also, I have made all of these pictures myself but the quotes are not mine πŸ™‚


We live in a world where so many of us strive for perfection, every day, and when we don’t reach perfection we feel as though we have disappointed ourselves or others. We were made to be real people, real people make mistakes, real people struggle, and real people are not perfect! There is nothing wrong with that.


I can relate so strongly to this quote. When you are a dreamer you are always thinking about things to come. You are always wondering what is going to happen next and whether or not it’s actually possible. For me I dream about travel…a lot! And it’s not easy because travel requires both time and money and they are both two things that you can’t magic out of nowhere.


I know that sometimes life can get hard and it seems as though you will never get through things. You are strong enough to get through whatever life throws at you. You will make it through and you will come out even stronger on the other side! Don’t doubt yourself!


Life is too short to spend time being unhappy or to spend time in places that make you unhappy. Find places that make you feel alive and then spend all of your time there. Don”t allow yourself to spend too long in places that drain you of your happiness. You deserve more than that!


This is one of the quotes that I have been trying to live by lately! I really do believe that everything happens for a reason but that does not mean that we will know the reason at the time. That is one of the hardest things for me. Just know that the reason will be revealed to you, often at the most unexpected time!

What are some of your favourite quotes? Let me know in the comments!




Comments 6

  1. Love this post! We all need some inspirational quotes like these in our lives x

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